The measures we have put in place to help control the spread of Covid-19
We are looking forward to welcoming you back to our boat yards. We have put in place measures to help keep our staff and customers safe during the pandemic.
These measures are based on the guidelines that have been produced by government, British Marine and the Canal & River Trust.
Key measures
- Social distancing: We have put in place new social distancing measures at all our boat yards. These include signage to help keep staff and customers two metres apart, as well as staggering boat collection and return times to reduce the number of people on site at one time.
- Cleaning: We have introduced extra cleaning measures for all our boats between each hire. This includes the use of approved antiviral cleaning products, and paying extra attention to surfaces that are touched regularly, such as door handles, taps, guard rails and keys. Our reception areas are also regularly cleaned, and hand gel or hand washing facilities are available.
- Boat Handovers: We are providing extra information to customers in advance of their holidays, about our boats and how to operate them. Handovers will be done a little differently, but you will meet one of our professional instructors and be shown how to steer and operate the boat. Handover staff will wear masks.
Individual Drifters operators are providing more information about the measures they have put in place on their own websites and customer communications.
There’s more advice and guidance for using the canals safely here:
Up to date travel advice from the government can be found here:
For more information about restrictions in Wales go to:
For further information about restrictions in Scotland go to:
Cancellations due to coronavirus
Bookings made through Drifters are subject to each operator’s own terms and conditions. Drifters operators are accepting holiday deferrals where customers have to change their booking due to coronavirus*. Where deferrals due to coronavirus are not possible, vouchers or refunds will be given.
*See individual operator’s websites for qualifying reasons